Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine’s Day Flowers Bring Year-round Romance

Valentine’s Day is nearly here and is an excellent time for us to slow down a bit from our busy, hectic schedules and express affection for family and friends. Whether it’s a husband, wife, significant other, close friend, relative, grandchild or just a nice neighbor, there are so many ways that express, “I care for you.” Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to show you care.

Of course, there are the usual box of chocolates, greeting cards, dinner on the town or even diamonds!

According to national surveys, Valentine flowers and plants are popular in expressing your feelings, too. Most even have a Victorian meaning attached. If you select flowers or plants as your Valentine gift, you will have the fun of presenting one that often conveys a very sentimental meaning.

Valentine’s Day has been a part of history from early pagan times. It actually started with the festival of Lupercalia to honor Juno Februata – goddess of feverish love.

With the spread of early Christianity, Lupercalia was frowned upon.

Pope Gelasius did away with the festival of Lupercalia, citing that it was pagan and immoral. He chose St. Valentine as the patron saint of lovers, who would be honored at the new festival on the 14th of every February, the day he had been martyred. It was soon replaced with a ritual for romance and is celebrated mostly in England, France, Austria, Germany and the United States.

As sentimental gifts go, greeting cards didn’t appear for Valentine’s Day until the beginning of the 19th century. Actually, there had been earlier valentine greeting cards in the late 1700s, but they were so racy that many prudish Victorians were shocked by them. Even in the late 19th century, the post office in Chicago rejected some 25,000 cards on the grounds that they were not fit to be carried through the U.S. mail. Tasteful, lacey valentine cards appeared in the 1870s when the card-giving practice was widely accepted. Today, Valentine cards are the second most popular, ranked right after Christmas cards.

Cadbury Brothers discovered how to make chocolate even smoother and sweeter than ever before and, by 1868, they were turning out the first boxed chocolates. Boxes were elaborately made of velvet and mirrors and retained their value as trinket boxes after the chocolate was gone. Richard Cadbury created the first heart-shaped Valentine’s Day box of candy some time around 1870; the idea was popular and continues today.

Giving of flowers and plants to your favorite Valentine is not, regrettably, based on any ancient or colonial America practices, but rather a brainstorm by the floral industry. The idea evidently worked, as Valentine’s Day ranks as the No.1 holiday for sales of fresh flower purchases with 36 percent of all holiday sales and 40 percent of the holiday dollar volume. Today, Valentine’s Day ranks near the top in the sales and giving of plants and flowers.

Of those purchasing valentine flowers or plants, 60 percent were men and 40 percent were women. Men reported their purchase for romantic reasons, while women used the plant/floral purchase to show they cared for their mothers, daughters and friends as well as their sweethearts. For all valentine plant purchases, nearly 50 percent were a gift for spouses, 26 percent went to mothers, 20 percent  to significant others and 11 percent to a friend or acquaintance. Self, other relatives, child, grandparent, sister and father all ranked in the single digits.

Traditionally, long-stemmed, red roses are associated with Valentine’s Day. In recent years, however, carnations, tulips, azaleas and other flowers are catching up in popularity. Sweetheart or miniature roses are not as expensive as the long-stemmed rose varieties and come in the same range of colors such as red, pale pink, white, cream, lavender, peach and yellow.

If you are looking for a plant that will extend beyond Valentine’s Day to brighten the gloomy, winter days for the next couple of months, look for potted tulips, azaleas, cyclamens, chrysanthemums or perhaps kalanchoe. There should be a good selection at your garden center, nursery, greenhouse or even the supermarket. When making your selection, select a plant with many buds about to open rather than one in full bloom. Be sure to check buds, blossoms and undersides of the leaves for any sign of disease or insect pests.

Wrap the flowers and plants well to protect against the cold as you transport then from the store to home. Double-bagging over the plant should work well; then transport directly home.

As you prepare to give the plant, include a note with care instructions: a reminder that mentions the need to keep the plant well watered, but not over-watered, and out of drafty areas. Generally, the best temperatures should be 45 to 55 degrees at night and 65 to 70 degrees during the day, if possible. If there is foil or cellophane on the container, it should either be removed, or have holes punched in the bottom for good drainage.

For those romantics who want to go beyond selecting a specific type of flower and color, there are Victorian meanings that are commonly associated with them. Red roses show love, red carnations carry the meaning, “My heart aches for you,” red tulips are a declaration of love and red chrysanthemums signify, “You’re a wonderful friend.” Daisies simply reflect innocence.

Remember those you’re close to and consider the message that plants and flowers have to offer. Enjoy Valentine’s Day.

Feel free to direct your gardening questions to me via the Springville Journal.

Leo Lubke is a Master Gardener and a member of the Garden Writers Association.

Seasonal gardening tip: If you can’t make up your mind which flower or plant is best to give, consider a gift certificate for a rose bush from a favorite nursery or mail order supplier. When the proper planting time arrives, the plant can be picked up or will be mailed for outdoor planting.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You - And They Are Interested

You may not be in a relationship with a certain someone yet, but that doesn't matter.

There are definite signs that you are on their mind and they are thinking about you more than just when they see you. The most important thing to remember is that someone has to be thinking about you before they take action towards you. This means that in order for them to talk to you or approach you out of nowhere, they have had to been thinking about your for a while. You haven't just popped up in their head.

Here are a few definite signs that someone is thinking about you.

They phone you unexpectedly - If he or she calls you out of the blue, for no reason, then that means you were on their mind; especially if you don't talk that way very often to them. They were thinking about you, and they probably took a long time to pick up the phone to call you. This of course includes random texts, pokes, tweets, or any other form of communication.

They approach you about things you are interested in - If they come up to you and start talking about your favorite band, even though you have never told them who your favorite band is, then chances are they found out from someone else and they have been thinking about using it for conversation, or to get your interest. If this happens more than once, then it's a guarantee they are putting a lot of thought into you and your interests.

They ask about you or mention you to others - If your friend is telling you that someone is starting to ask about you, or is starting to talk about you, then that someone is also thinking about you. This is obvious right? They are trying to figure you out and they need some questions answered. Who better to do it with than people who know you?
On the other hand, if they can't seem to stop talking about you and your ways then they are putting a lot of thought into you and your ways.

They are always around you - Whether you work with them, go to school with them, or are in the same circle of friends with them, they are constantly close to you. If you are in someone's line of thought then they will also have you in their line of sight quite often. It's much easier to think about someone while you are looking at them. And if you have been putting a lot of thought into someone, then you want to be around them.

Think about the people who you don't think about often. Are they around you often? Or are you not really sure where they are? Chances are you don't know where they are. But you will know where the people you think about are, and you will gravitate towards them.

Want to learn some signs of attraction? Then visit Bellaisa's website, the Relationship Circle and find out if they are attracted to you or if it's all in your mind!

What Does It Mean If a Man Gets Jealous When I Talk to Other Guys? Learn If He Likes You or Not

The negative impact of jealousy could mean that that your man is very controlling by nature. Since he wants to control each and every action of yours he begins to feel insecure when he sees you acting out of your own free will and talking to other men.

He is in need of reassurance
Some men act jealous when they see their woman talking to some other man only because he is in need of reassurance. It is because he doesn't know what you really think and feel for him that he acts jealous when you talk to other guys.

He is just trying to teach you a lesson
If you see that your man has started to act jealous all of a sudden then look hard to see if you have been acting jealous in the past or not. If you have then your man could be just trying to teach you a lesson by making you see what it is like when you are constantly kept under observation and not believed in.

He is too immature
Finally, if you are with a man who is jealous when you talk to any other guy then it is a reflection of his immaturity. It is only because he is immature that he feels that he will lose you to another man just because you are talking to him.

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