Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making Miracles!

I love my work! Having the opportunity to share with you some amazing life lessons every week brings excitement and honor that I don't take lightly. As I sit down to write this article, I'm overwhelmed with joy, because this story is truly the making of miracles.

I received a phone call from a lady looking for assistance in making changes in her life. She had very little understanding as to how I may help her, but she felt she needed to start somewhere. When someone has the awareness to truly want something better and they reach out to receive, life responds.

This initial phone conversation, revealed how entirely confused she truly was. Her expression was repeated many times, as she stated, "I don't know what I want." She is 27 years old and spent every single one of those years focused on what everyone else wanted.

Still living with her parents, her life was encompassed by their needs. Nearly every dollar she made at her extremely humble job, working at a sandwich shop went to assist her younger brother in getting through school. She was determined not to let him fail as she felt her entire family had.

Being raised by a mother and father that would never allow any type of success or advancement kept her reluctant to wanting anything for her own life. "I don't know what I want and I can't even make decisions for myself," she repeated and adamantly confessed.

During our first session, I realized how desperate her desire was, when she said, "Sometimes I go without eating so my mom can eat." She clearly wanted something better, and this is where every miracle starts.

Through coaching processes and strategies for greater awareness, she left our first meeting with hope, direction and a spark of clarity as to what she wanted for her life. For the very first time she felt there was a way out and she was determined to remain centered in only what would support her in that reality.

It's been only a month. And, in our last session she revealed her amazing growth. The first thing she said was, "I am out of here!" I was on the edge of my seat as she explained.

Her brother had received great news. He was accepted, and would be leaving for medical school! But, that wasn't her destination. The larger part of the story was the response from her parents. Their negative, martyr approach had troubled her so deeply that she finally put her foot down.

She knew following her brother wasn't what she wanted, but after 27 years of being stifled by her parents, they had taken it too far and she was not going to let it continue. With her bags in hand she found herself on the doorstep of a friend. This was her first encounter with true freedom.

She was free from the entanglement of guilt, poverty and the neglect she'd lived for so long. Anytime you stand for what you know is right and best for your life, you release yourself from bondage. Immediately miracles can take place and they did.

Within two days, and the help of a friend she had a job offer out of state, which is what she wanted. This would be the best job she's ever had, making the most money she's ever made and doing what she loves to do. She leaves the beginning of July.

The thrill she is experiencing will remain long enough for her to gain further confidence. The lessons and techniques I taught her will allow her to continue to reach even further and stay centered in happiness and strength. I asked her what she had learned about herself and for the very first time in her life she was able to say, "I know what I want and I know I can do it!"

The miracle, she made through her commitment to herself. Her story so far is thrilling. However, my excitement really stems from knowing this is only the first miracle for her and now her life will never be the same.

This is such a beautiful illustration of what life should look like for each of us on a daily basis. If you want to make miracles you must first expect miraculous results and then stand for what it is you want. Even if you're not yet clear what it is you do want, taking a stand to deny any engagement of what you don't want is the freedom necessary to allow its clarity to come forth.

Don't just believe in miracles, expect them! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share this story with you!

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