Saturday, January 29, 2011

Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You - And They Are Interested

You may not be in a relationship with a certain someone yet, but that doesn't matter.

There are definite signs that you are on their mind and they are thinking about you more than just when they see you. The most important thing to remember is that someone has to be thinking about you before they take action towards you. This means that in order for them to talk to you or approach you out of nowhere, they have had to been thinking about your for a while. You haven't just popped up in their head.

Here are a few definite signs that someone is thinking about you.

They phone you unexpectedly - If he or she calls you out of the blue, for no reason, then that means you were on their mind; especially if you don't talk that way very often to them. They were thinking about you, and they probably took a long time to pick up the phone to call you. This of course includes random texts, pokes, tweets, or any other form of communication.

They approach you about things you are interested in - If they come up to you and start talking about your favorite band, even though you have never told them who your favorite band is, then chances are they found out from someone else and they have been thinking about using it for conversation, or to get your interest. If this happens more than once, then it's a guarantee they are putting a lot of thought into you and your interests.

They ask about you or mention you to others - If your friend is telling you that someone is starting to ask about you, or is starting to talk about you, then that someone is also thinking about you. This is obvious right? They are trying to figure you out and they need some questions answered. Who better to do it with than people who know you?
On the other hand, if they can't seem to stop talking about you and your ways then they are putting a lot of thought into you and your ways.

They are always around you - Whether you work with them, go to school with them, or are in the same circle of friends with them, they are constantly close to you. If you are in someone's line of thought then they will also have you in their line of sight quite often. It's much easier to think about someone while you are looking at them. And if you have been putting a lot of thought into someone, then you want to be around them.

Think about the people who you don't think about often. Are they around you often? Or are you not really sure where they are? Chances are you don't know where they are. But you will know where the people you think about are, and you will gravitate towards them.

Want to learn some signs of attraction? Then visit Bellaisa's website, the Relationship Circle and find out if they are attracted to you or if it's all in your mind!

What Does It Mean If a Man Gets Jealous When I Talk to Other Guys? Learn If He Likes You or Not

The negative impact of jealousy could mean that that your man is very controlling by nature. Since he wants to control each and every action of yours he begins to feel insecure when he sees you acting out of your own free will and talking to other men.

He is in need of reassurance
Some men act jealous when they see their woman talking to some other man only because he is in need of reassurance. It is because he doesn't know what you really think and feel for him that he acts jealous when you talk to other guys.

He is just trying to teach you a lesson
If you see that your man has started to act jealous all of a sudden then look hard to see if you have been acting jealous in the past or not. If you have then your man could be just trying to teach you a lesson by making you see what it is like when you are constantly kept under observation and not believed in.

He is too immature
Finally, if you are with a man who is jealous when you talk to any other guy then it is a reflection of his immaturity. It is only because he is immature that he feels that he will lose you to another man just because you are talking to him.

Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

The Key To Building Good Relationships

Good and healthy relationships are an important part of human life. Relationships usually develop when individuals realize that differences make life exciting. Different types of relationships are friendships, romances, work and school related connections and familial ties. Good relationships grow when people consider each other as partners in life and not see them in terms of money, property or anything else that they are obsessed with.

Healthy relationships prosper only in a gradual manner. It takes time and energy for partners to realize each other. Relationships grow and change over time. Therefore it is important that people acquire the skills that keep their relationships happy and healthy. Relationships flourish into true and loving bonds when people choose to share rather than change each other.

There are no formal programs that teach us about building good relationships. It is something that one picks up by watching others, normally parents or anyone in the immediate family. But, today many youngsters do not want to follow in their parents-footsteps.

Quite a few factors are involved in building good relationships. An important thing in a relationship is good friendship. Good relationships are truly friendships. Willingness to talk through things and to share positive and negative feelings with each other, all contribute to healthy relationships. It is important to avoid jealousy, possessiveness and competition, since they reflect individual fears and insecurities.

To build a healthy marital relationship, it is good to show interest in your partner's feelings and dreams. A person must take responsibility for his actions and feelings, and encourage his partner to do the same. The next important thing is "establishing trust". All relationships survive on trust. It is essential to express trust in your partner constantly.
To keep a good relationship with someone at work, you should understand that he is a person who deserves to be treated with admiration and courtesy. It is wiser to avoid making comments about him. One has to consider a colleague as an equal. This is a primary building block for healthy relationships.
A good and healthy relationship is worth any price. Yet it cannot be purchased with currency. Sensible people spend time to develop good friendships steadily, and maintain a vigilant watch so that they do not weaken in course of time.
Relationships provides detailed information on Relationships, Online Relationships, Relationship Advice, Relationship Quiz and more. Relationships is affiliated with Interracial Couples.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is Kissing A Sin

Most Christians know that the Bible discourages sex before marriage, but questions arise when we ask if kissing is a sin. Like many issues we face today there is no black and white answer to whether or not kissing is a sin, but instead we have to ask God to guide us in the direction He wants us to follow.

Kissing is Not Always a Sin


First off, there are different degrees of kissing. Jesus kissed his disciples. We kiss our family members. Even in Europe kissing is a common form of greeting among friends. So kissing is not always a sin. However, it's not likely someone is going to ask if kissing as a greeting is a sin. The real question, then, is whether or not romantic kissing is a sin.

When Kissing Can Become Sinful

So, now we are down to the real question of if kissing is a sin, and the answer really comes down to what is in your heart at the time. The Bible clearly tells us that lust is a sin. So, is lust in your heart when you're kissing? Is the kiss making you want to do more with that person and leading you to temptation? If the answer to these questions is, "yes," then kissing can become sinful. It doesn't mean all kisses with someone you love or are dating are sinful. It just means to be careful about what is on your heart and to make sure you have enough self-control if you allow yourself to be in a kissing situation.

So, Should I Kiss or Not?

The answer to this question is up to you. Some people choose not to kiss until marriage, because they see kissing as leading to sin or they believe romantic kissing is a sin. Others feel that, as long as they can overcome the temptations and control their thoughts that kissing is okay. The key is to do what is right for you. This means spending time praying about it and thinking it through. Sure, "everyone may be doing it," but that doesn't mean it's right for you. Do what God lays on your heart.

Source: Christian Teens

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Decision Making

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Everywhere you turn, there is another decision to be made. In fact decision or choice making is part of everyday life. If you are alive and conscious, then every day, day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year there are choices/decisions to be made. 

Think about it: the minute you wake up, you have to make a decision: "Am I going to get up now or later?" Okay so you decide to get up...what now? " Am I going to take a shower right away or should I go and let the dog out first?" So you decide to let the dog out. Now what? "Let's see what there's in the fridge". Depending on what you see in the fridge and how hungry you are, you may or may not decide to have a bite to eat. Your stomach growls and tells you that it wants some FOOD. All right so you eat. Now another decision. 
"Am I going to sit down somewhere by myself or maybe wait for someone else to join me?" Once again depending how sociable you feel or how much you like the other members of your family at that moment, you may decide to eat in the kitchen or somewhere else. So you see, there are constantly choices/decisions to be made; every day starting from the moment you wake up until when you finally fall asleep.

How are decisions and/or choices made?

You make certain decisions or choices because you have a certain need whether you're conscious of it or not. Needs can, for example be physical (you're hungry, thirsty, tired,), emotional (you're feeling afraid, unloved, angry, stressed, unsure ), social (you're feeling lonely, you're missing your friends or you want to have fun), economic (to get spending money you decide to get a part time job), cultural (you're feeling isolated from others who share your background),etc.
The decisions that YOU make are directly related to the need YOU have, how important it is for YOU to satisfy this need and, of course, what YOU want to get out of it. How you go about making the decision and what decision you end up making depends on:
A The type of person you are. Do you think about your decision or do you do things impulsively or, then again, do you just simply follow the crowd?
B Your likes and dislikes
C Your values - what's worthwhile and desirable to you
D Your beliefs
E Your knowledge - the facts and the information the way you know them

Do you sometimes wish you had made a different choice?

Depending on the outcome of the decision or choice that you made, it's normal to feel that you should/could have made a better choice. Try to make the best of the situation even if it's somewhat painful but YOU can resolve to improve the way YOU make decisions.

Here are some steps to successful decision making:

  1. Define and clarify the problem. What decision needs to be made? Try writing a short description of the decision you need to make.
  2. Identify what you want to come out of the decision
  3. Identify the hurdles that you have to overcome in order to make the decision.
  4. Come up with options. What are your choices? List them.
  5. Brainstorm to help you find different ways of dealing with the problem.
  6. Analyze the options. What are the consequences of each option? How will each choice affect you?
  7. Choose an option. Which option feels best? Which does your gut instinct say to choose?
  8. Justify the option. Why does that choice feel best? What is it about that decision that feels so good? If you can see clear-cut reasons why, list them.
  9. Contingency Planning. If you put your decision into action and it doesn't work out, then what? Just because you've made a decision, it doesn't mean you have to live with the results for the rest of your life. Decisions are stepping stones toward more decisions.
Think of your decisions as temporary bridges to the next step in your life. If things don't work out as a result of your decision, think of what you will have learned. Think of how this will help you make better decisions in the future. Think beyond the present. What is the worst that could go wrong and would you be able to live with that scenario? If that did happen, then what would you do next? If you can't live with a potential outcome, then don't choose that option.

Some Quotes:

"Indecision is one of the biggest thieves of time" "Get on with it, decide what you are waiting for, no one gets out of this life alive."
-- Leo Buscaglia


National PTA: Helping Children Make Good Decisions
Teaching Your Teen to Be a Proactive Decision-maker
Decision Making/Problem Solving With Teens
Personality Types 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christian Denominations: Views on Homosexuality

Homosexuality is, and continues to be, one of the most hotly debated issues among Christians today, and even Christian teens have gotten in on the debate. Some denominations view homosexuality as a sin and others have a number of congregations or movements that accept homosexuality as a non-sin. However, most denominations, it seems, tend to fall into the category of "hate the sin, love the sinner," where they condemn homosexual behavior but welcome homosexuals into the congregation. Here is a breakdown of how the largest denominations view homosexuality:

Denominations that View Homosexuality as Sin

Many of these denominations have pronounced that homosexuality is a sin and do not condone gay marriage. However, many of these churches encourage members to witness to homosexuals and allow homosexuals to participate as members of the congregations. Some even acknowledge that homosexuals can be Christians, but others, like Pentacostal Churches believe that gay people must repent in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Still, all of these churches believe that homosexuality is a forgivable sin with forgiveness being provided by God.
Read more about these denominations' beliefs about homosexuality:

Denominations that Have Mixed Views on Homosexuality

Many of these denominations take a more inclusive view of homosexuals. They encourage homosexuals to become Christians, and encourage their participation in congregational activities. Some of these denominations, like the United Church of Christ, allow homosexual members to be ordained as ministers. Other denominations, like the Baptist Church, are divided among groups that consider homosexuality as a sin and others that do not believe homosexuality is a sin.

11 Ways a Christian Teen Can Be a Good Friend

Are you a good friend? Many Christian teens wonder what it takes to be a good friend or how to cultivate lifelong friendships. As a Christian you are often taught the importance of working on your relationship with God, but God also asks us to develop our relationships with one another. Here are some ways that you can be a better friend:

Lose the Judgement

Friends see each other with no judgement. This does not mean that you are going to like all of your friend's choices. However, there is a way to share your opinion without being judgmental. Also, try to find out more information about why your friend is making some of those choices. It may offer you greater understanding.

Be Honest

Are you an honest person? Honesty is a very important trait of a good friend. Friends trust each other to help them in difficult situations. Proverbs states that "Honesty guides good people, dishonesty destroys treacherous people," (NLT). If being dishonest destroys people, it also destroys friendships.


Listening to your friend can help you grow closer. Listening is very different from hearing. You need to not only hear what the other person is saying, but you will need to offer feedback and assurance that you actually understand what your friend is saying. Nodding your head and repeating back what he or she is telling you will enhance your communication and make your friend feel better about your relationship.

Give Rather Than Take

Giving is often better than receiving. Find ways to give to your friend and expect nothing in return. Giving is more than just buying presents. You can give your time and your help. You can intercede in prayer for your friend. Offer to help with homework or cover a shift at work.

Have Fun

Friends need to have fun with one another. Make sure you are doing things you both like and laughing together. While it is nice to have a friend that supports you in times of trouble, if all your times are filled with strife then that is what will define your friendship. Make sure you have fun together, too.

Learn to Compromise

Everyone has different interests, likes, and dislikes, and friends do not always agree with one another. Therefore friends need to learn to compromise with one another. For instance, this week you may end up seeing that action film your friend has been dying to see (and you could care less about), and then next week he or she will compromise by seeing that popular chick flick.

Trust Your Friend

While it is important to be honest and compromise with your friend, it is also important to have trust in your friend. If you always question your friend's motives, you will never open yourself up to developing a close relationship. While trust takes time to develop, let go of your own insecurity once in a while to give your friend the benefit of the doubt.

Be Supportive

Sometimes a friend just needs a shoulder to cry on or a cheer from the audience. Be supportive of your friends. When your friend says he or she is running for class office, be the first to volunteer your campaign services. When your friend is crying after her boyfriend broke up with her, be the shoulder for her to cry on.


Many Christian teens confuse being sympathetic with being empathetic. Being empathetic means that you are able to put yourself in the other person's shoes. When your friend needs your support, you need to try to see the situation from his or her eyes. While you may not agree or you may not have knowledge of their situation first hand, putting yourself in their shoes will help you be more supportive to your friend.


Touch is a valuable tool in growing a friendship, yet it is often overlooked. Touch is important in that it creates a bond between you and your friend. A good way to use touch is to put your hand on a friend's shoulder in support or giving your friend a hug in greeting. However, be sure you are appropriate in your touching and that you don't make a person feel uncomfortable by entering their personal space too soon in your friendship.

Share Your Feelings

Opening yourself up to another person is a part of growing your friendship. Learn to share how you feel, even if you think it will cause some confrontation. Friends need to be able to share their feelings without judgement. If you are not able to share your feelings with your friend, then you will keep the friendship from growing into a great relationship.

Ways Youth Groups Can Reach Out to Christian Teens

Ways Youth Groups Can Reach Out to Christian Teens

Ideas and Activities for Creating an "On Fire" Youth Group


What activities does your youth group like to do? Are you looking for new and refreshing ideas for the Christian teens in your group? From games to Bible studies, check out all the ways a youth group can reach out to students to help them grow in their faith.


Games are a great way to get things going during a service or get-together. There are plenty of outrageous games that make Christian teens laugh and icebreakers that allow students to get to know one another. A fun game at the start of service can make even skeptical student come back to find out more.


While mission trips may not be available or appealing to all students, outreach events are. Outreach is a chance for Christian teens to reach out to their own communities to be an example of Christ. Some outreach events involve witnessing to people, while others are forms of service that have very little preaching involved. Every youth group should have some sort of regular outreach to teach teens how to give back to the world around them.

Missions Trips

Some Christians may feel a call to missions, and it is a call that leaders should want to encourage. If you do not know how to plan a mission trip, then you can go through an organization that can help you organize a trip for your students. There are plenty of trips available during Spring, Summer, and Winter breaks. The trips go all over the world and help to spread the gospel, build communities, provide food, and more to people who are in need.
Isaiah 49:6 -"I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth." (NIV)


Name one Christian teen that doesn't like to blow off a little steam by doing something fun. There aren't any. Everyone likes to get out and do something entertaining. Whether it's going to an amusement park or sitting back watching a movie, there are some fun outings and activities that you can do as a group.

Bible Studies

While regular services help to feed Christians, a Bible study is a great way to help Christian teens to grow in their faith and become more knowledgeable about the things they believe. However, there is a lot of planning required to run a long lasting Bible study. It starts with effective planning and involves choosing topics, activities, and even the right Bible for your group.


No youth group is complete without good leadership. While many leaders feel called to youth leadership, it takes work to be an effective youth leader. Youth workers make an investment in discipling students and taking time to support Christian teens in their development and growth.
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